Sautéed Zucchini with Feta

zucchini feta

I could not write this post without mentioning the current situation here in Greece. Yes, we have been going through some tough times. The Greek people have been asked to basically choose between a rock and a hard place. For the past years here in Greece we have been hit by increased austerity measures: taxes increasing everyday, salaries and the minimum wages going down, people losing their jobs, less money going into healthcare, schools and so many other services.

Yes, Greeks are resourceful and resilient. Out of this crisis we have seen the development of new ideas and startups from young, brilliant Greeks. In my area of work, thankfully we have seen a renewed appreciation for Greek products, the Greek diet, the Greek spirit.

But that’s not enough. At the same time we have seen many of these Greeks leaving Greece, because simply put they cannot find a job here.

I am not sure what will come about here in this country, what I do know is that all the leaders of all parties both in Greece and Europe did not rise to the occasion. And I, like may others are disappointed with this behavior.

In this environment, it has been a bit difficult to concentrate on writing and cooking this week. I have been cooking dishes that do not require much time or effort. With that in mind I am sharing a lovely recipe made simply with ingredients most of us have at home.

All you need is zucchini, olive oil and feta.

This can be served on its own with some bread for a light lunch, but also as a side dish.

Remember zucchini has very little calories and is a good source of carotenoids. Although these are lightly sautéed, don’t forget to strain them on paper towels to absorb some of the oil.

Sautéed Zucchini with Feta


  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2-3 medium sized zucchini sliced
  • 3 tablespoons crumbled feta
  • Chopped parsley
  • Thick salt
  • Pepper


1. Heat the olive oil in a pan.

2. Add the sliced zucchini and lightly sauté the zucchini for about 2 minutes on each side.

3. Remove the zucchini and place on paper towels to strain.

4. Place on a serving plate sprinkle thick salt, pepper, parsley and feta.

Photo by Elena Paravantes

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  1. We said, Elena!
    Our hearts break for Greece and its people, to no falt of theirs.
    Our girls and families live there too, so we know first hand of the difficulties that seem to deepen.
    Praying that some understanding will be achieved in Europe…but even then, things will get worse before the get better.

    Sauteed zucchini with feta sound great to soften the hurt and fear.

  2. Thank you for posting the recipe and how things are going in Greece. I send good thoughts to the strong people of Greece. I hope for a good outcome and a better future for Greece.

  3. So sorry about Greece’s predicament. I love your country, with its freshness, strength, wildness and serenity, the food, the people, the atmosphere, the landscapes and the music. The politics and various leaderships are another matter.

    Thank you for your great receipes, and the work you do to convey greek lifestyle to us others.

    Best regards, and best wishes for the future
    Norwegian fan (happy that we are not in the EU here)

  4. Thank you for your honest words. We Greeks here in the USA really feel pretty helpless, other than sending you all good thoughts and prayers. If there is some creative way for us to help please write me. Social media’s reach is extensive and exponential. I’ll think on this more. Sending Greek love to you all.

  5. Wish there was something we could do to help the Greek people during this tough time. In lieu of that, I am trying to raise awareness about Greece by serving Greek food and today, I made this recipe for lunch. We all loved it ~ simply delicious! I told the kids to show their thanks by telling their friends about Greece.

  6. Dear Elena:

    Good luck riding out the turmoil in Greece. Maybe it is time for you to release a cookbook.


  7. God bless you in your national struggles! All are praying for your success and triumph in these trying times.