The Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

With this easy guide, you will get an easy to follow authentic Mediterranean diet meal plan with everything you need to get started: recipes and tips.

Authentic Mediterranean Diet Meal plan and menu

By Elena Paravantes, RDN, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Mediterranean Diet Expert

I’ve been asked many times to provide an authentic Mediterranean Diet meal plan, and when we say authentic, we mean it! The reason for this is that most “Mediterranean Diet” meal plans I see online are anything but. Sorry, but edamame beans, minuscule amounts of  olive oil, canola oil, meat with every meal etc. are not part of a Mediterranean Diet.

The Mediterranean Diet is considered the Gold Standard of diets. It was voted Best Diet for 7 years in a row from US News and is associated with numerous health benefits supported by strong evidence. This covers heart Health, Cancer Prevention, Psychological Health, Alzheimers, Fertility, Weight Loss and many more.

Now I have to say, I am not a supporter of rigid plans, however it is important to eat at somewhat regular times so you don’t end up feeling very-very hungry at any particularly moment of the day. Having said that, I also think it is important to be able to actually feel hunger, and look forward to eating a meal.  While adding a snack here and there is good to keep blood sugar and hunger levels in balance, snacking can also backfire. Many times we eat a snack without being hungry or we depend on ready-made snacks such as granola bars, juices, smoothies etc. which not only add quite a few calories but also are a processed food with all that entails.

Below is a quick graphic of a meal plan on the traditional Mediterranean diet, it is the same meal plan that I also follow. Under the graphic you can find details, tips and links to the recipes. I provide a variety of choices for meals that you can mix and match with links to the recipes. For more ideas just head over to the Recipe Index and you will find a large selection of Mediterranean recipes.


The Authentic Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

Mediterranean Diet Menu Plan

Details, Tips And Recipes


Choice #1: Whole grain bread with an unsweetened nut butter (I use tahini)

Choice #2: Barley rusk with olive oil, crumbled cheese and olives

Choice #3: Greek style scrambled egg with tomatoes (Kagianas) or other egg dishes with veggies. Click for egg recipes.

Choice #4: Full fat Greek yogurt with nuts, fruit and honey

Choice #5: Whole grain bread + a piece of cheese + tomatoes

-Mid-Morning Snack-

*A seasonal fruit


Lunch in the largest meal of the day. If you have trouble doing that, you can switch dinner with lunch and try and have dinner somewhat early.

Choice #1: Lathero Dish (seasonal vegetables or beans cooked with olive oil, herbs, and tomato sauce accompanied by bread and cheese). This is what you will have 3-4 times a week. Typically this is green beans, peasspanakorizo (spinach-rice) and cauliflower cooked in this way. This is accompanied by a slice of bread and feta. Click for lathera recipes. Please note that one serving consists of 3-4 servings of vegetables.

Choice #2: Pita like spanakopita with a salad on the side. Check our pita recipes.

Choice #3: Once or twice a week a chicken dish such as Greek style stewed chicken with a seasonal salad

Choice #4: A bean dish. Beans such as lentils as well as white beans are consumed as a thick stew or roasted. They are accompanied with feta cheese and some bread.

Choice #5: Small fatty fish such as sardines or anchovies roasted. Accompanied with lightly boiled greens and drizzled with olive oil and some lemon.

1 fruit

-Snack- (if hungry)

*Tomato with a rusk and sometimes cheese + a serving of fruit


*1/2 cup Greek yogurt with fruit


Dinner is a lighter meal, so it is generally good to keep fairly light-avoid meats and heavy sauces. Typically it is a small serving of lunch or a meal rich in vegetables.

Wine (1 – 1 ½ glass) and a small meze platter (2-3 olives, a few pieces of cheese, tomato or carrot sticks)


Choice #1: A smaller serving of lunch

Choice #2: A large salad (in the winter mainly greens, in the summer tomatoes) with an olive oil salad dressing, grated or crumbled cheese, and nuts (walnuts, pine nuts or almonds). Check our Mediterranean salad recipes.

Choice 3: Roasted vegetables in olive oil (cauliflower or a mix –like briami). This is an easy and effortless way to get prepare vegetables and consume it as a main course.

Choice 4: Omelette with feta accompanied by a simple salad such as tomato and cucumber with olive oil or a green leafy salad.

Choice #5: Yogurt with rusks and fruit. This is a typical evening meal, particularly if lunch has been a bit larger.

*Once a week chicken and once a week another type of meat or fish, accompanied by salad or greens (horta)

*One or two meals a week contain some sort of pasta.


  • Beverages: Aim to drink 1 ½ liters of water (6 cups) + herbal beverages a day. Avoid any other beverages except wine.
  • Olive oil is the main source of fat, do not skimp. Benefits are seen at a consumption of at least 2 tablespoons a day. Olive oil also provides satiety (among many other benefits) which is important if you are eating a meal made only with vegetables.
  • Lathera dishes usually last 2-3 days (in fact they taste better the next day). I also use frozen peas or green beans in the winter for my lathera.
  • Pites can be assembled (and baked) and frozen.
  • Try and eat your main (largest) meal as early as you can.
  • Cheese and yogurt are your main dairy sources.
  • Finally, this is meant meant to be a guide, as each person’s (calorie) needs varies depending on age, gender, physical activity level etc. However, I advise you check the Greek Nutrition Guidelines which basically represents the Mediterranean diet that includes a range of servings. Go here to check the Greek Diet guidelines.

And don’t forget to check the complete Mediterranean diet shopping list here:


Welcome! You have arrived to the most credible source for the Real Mediterranean Diet. If you are looking for tried and trusted information, you’re at the right place! Learn more about olivetomato browse all our recipes or check our Mediterranean Diet resources. Subscribe for free for more Mediterranean recipes, tips and guidance.

Mediterranean Diet

Images by Elena Paravantes © All Rights Reserved

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  1. Beverly McKee says:

    I LOVE your recipes and entire program! You simplify eating healthfully and your recipes look delicious. I have arthritis and must eat a restricted diet that is anti-inflamatory. I can easily see ways to adapt some of your recipes. The diet forbids grains, beans, wheat, chick peas, potatoes, pasta, or any fruits or vegetables with seeds, etc. I was skeptical about this diet at first but if I stick to the diet, I really do experience less pain. I would so wish to have your recipes adapted for the home cook with substitutions of allowed foods for the forbidden. For instance, I am going to try to make your phyllo recipe using almond flour, and in other recipes using only pasture grazed dairy such as goat and sheeps milk cheeses, yogurts, eggs etc. Thank your for your inspiration and I would be so grateful if you would turn your gifted cooking attention to helping those of us in pain to adapt your delicious and healthful diet to include anti-inflamation recipes. There is a huge and eager market for this.

    1. Thank you for your comment and your kind words Beverly! The diet you follow is quite restrictive and restricts most foods that are part of the Mediterranean diet. I have not seen any evidence of such a diet being anti-inflammatory. A traditional Mediterranean diet is considered an anti-inflammatory diet. The arthritis foundation also recommends a Mediterranean diet ( You can also check this article from Harvard for additional insight:

  2. Hello Elena!
    Your site is amazing with so many useful tips,just keep go on.Just one question,can i use mediterranean diet and training in gym?Thank you

    1. Thanks Stevan. Yes, definitely, you would need to adjust calories for your exercise needs as well as if you are looking to build muscle. You may also increase a bit your protein intake by increasing plant proteins such as nuts, beans, fish.

  3. What is your professional opinion about sunflower butter? Have a child with a peanut allergy so most nut butters are out

  4. Thank you so much Elena! This is so very helpful!

  5. Loved this plan but I have a question, I’ve a combination of foods I cannot tolerate – Dairy, Gluten and I’m love FODMAPS too – do you have any suggestions on what I can replace the dairy components of your outlined eating plan with?

    1. Hi Jac, Depending on your reason of intolerance (lactose intolerance, milk allergy etc) I would recommend just using plant dairy substitutes such as almond or soy milk.

  6. Mediterranean Diet says:

    Great article, Elena!

  7. This diet was recommended to me by Teloyears after my telomere test showed the caps on my DNA to be short for my age. I will retest after 6 months and then 1 year to see if the diet makes any difference.

    1. Great Diane! Yes There was a study conducted by Harvard researchers a few years ago that showed that individuals following a Mediterranean diet had longer telomeres, a biomarker of aging.

  8. My doctor just recommended this diet for weight loss and heart health. Would the plan above yield weight loss in the long run? My heart is a bit thickened due to my weight. And thank you for such great resources.

      1. Thank you so much!

  9. Thank you SO much for this! My husband approached me about the Mediterranean diet being good for depression and suggested I give it a try. But I already knew this was not the best term to describe what I needed, even before reading your article on the subject. However, I did have an idea of what they meant and I have struggled to find recipes that fit the bill. Too many well-meaning people have made it more “healthful” by cutting back on the fat. ANYWAY . . . This little meal plan is going to be immensely helpful to me and I am poking all around the site and your social media. Thank you for sharing!

  10. This is a great place to start when changing your diet, thanks Elena. I’ve had high cholesterol for quite a few years and my doctor has told me to concentrate on looking into the Mediterranean diet more. I’m looking forward to learning more 🙂

    1. Thanks for your comment! The Mediterranean diet has been shown as an effective way to lower cholesterol levels.

  11. Elena,

    What is your opinion on the conflicting opinions about whether or not wine is healthy or harmful? It seems there is a daily article touting research that proclaims wine is health alternating with another article about research that indicates that even moderate intake of wine is associated with cancer or dementia. I’m trying to understand all of this conflicting data with the reality/evidence of Mediterranean cultures that include daily intake of wine. Is it the amount drunk that is key?

  12. Looks delicious. I’ve never had greek style eggs before, can’t wait to try.

  13. Would you be able to add serving sizes/how many servings at each meal? At least for us Americans who have no clue about what these are meant to be. Thank you!

    1. Totally get you. That’s what I was looking for also. And yes.. because serving sizes have been so skewed in the US for so long now. I would like to know what the typical sized serving was back in the 60s and prior. Even in the US.. I remember when they came out with the quarter pounder w/cheese.. it was HUGE!! Now.. it’s a typical burger.
      For instance… rusk.. how big or small is a slice of rusk? Would there be cucumbers, bell peppers, onion or any of that in your salad? Sometimes to miss these little things could add up to missing by a mile in the long run.
      Tea? Coffee? Condiments? I know you can’t get into all those little details but those things could add up to a big mistake for some of us.
      But I am very glad to see this (I do follow olivetomato instagram too) as I was looking at a 7 day Mediterranean meal plan at Eatingwell and they have stuff like.. skim milk.. ick. I don’t believe that was part of the traditional Med diet!
      But thank you so much for this!

      1. Hi Laura,
        Thank you for your message! You can find plenty information on beverages, condiments etc. on the website. Using search can lead you to the right articles.
        Ha ha yes, skim milk is definitely not part of the Mediterranean diet.

  14. Brilliant. Thank you! I think it’s worth noting that one glass of wine is 100ml / ~3.5oz (based on low-risk alcohol consumption guidelines). Most restaurants will serve 150-270ml per glass, so people often underestimate how much they’re actually drinking.

  15. Thank you so much for this eating plan…it made a nice change not to see lukewarm lemon water to be drunk upon waking haha (although I understand this is beneficial, of course). I also love that you say do not skimp on (good quality) olive oil 🙂

    1. I live in Greece, always have liked the food,, Good to cook with olive oil,, my daughter doesn’t like it on salad, just from the bottle, but likes food cooked in it..