If you would like to contact me directly, please use the email below:

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*Note I do not accept guest posts or other unsolicited requests.

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Thank you for sending me a message. Although I do read them all, I am not always able to answer them right away. Thank you for your patience! – Elena


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  1. Love, love, love your site. We just spent a month in Greece earlier this year – so impressed with the warmth of the locals and of course the wonderful food. We took a cooking class on Naxos which was one of the highlights of our trip. My husband, who thought he didn’t like eggplant, thoroughly enjoyed moussaka several times on this trip. Do you have a recipe please for moussaka that you can share? Thanks.

    1. Hi Elena,
      Thanks for this amazing set of recipes! Was also looking for mousaka and pastichio recipes. Do you happen to have made progress on documenting and sharing those?

  2. Your recipes are great! I am going to try some of them and would love to put them on a blog that I am building
    Thanks Katherine

  3. Hi Elena,
    I am a big fan of your site and your recipes. I tried a lot of them. Love them all!
    A salad that i like and i am surprised of not finding it on your site is the Marousalata. There are so many different recipes on the web that i would like to know yours.
    Also I would like to learn more about Greek wine and which one would pair each of your recipes. I used to buy some Retsina but for whatever reason it became difficult
    to find any here on Long Island. I would love to tray something else.
    Patrick Monvignier

  4. Hi Elena,
    I love your website, thank you!! and I have been using recipes from you for a while now that I printed off. I came to check for new recipes, but if I browse by “course” or “diet type”, I get a 404 page not found so cannot navigate the recipes. Just letting you know in case you’re not aware!
    Thanks so much for your amazing work. Dora

  5. Hi Elena
    What kind of olive oil do you recommend, do you use extra virgin for everything ?
    P.s I did look in FAQ’s 🙂



  6. Hi Elena,

    Just found your site tonight and I love it! Do you have a Mediterrranean Grocery Shopping List somewhere here on the site? That would be most helpful to me starting out on this new adventure.

  7. Hi Elena,

    I would just like to say how happy I am to of come across your website. I’ve been instructed by my Dr to follow a Mediterranean diet due to having high cholesterol and being over weight. I have bought quite a few recipe books but still feel a bit over whelmed, but looking at your site it’s such a great help. Many thanks!

  8. Love your website and recipes! I had to say hello, as another Greek-American RD 😀 Greetings from SD, California!

  9. Hi Elena, just have to tell you I love your work!! I’m English-Greek, and spend a lot of time in Corfu where my family are… I’m totally crazy for the Greek and Corfiote food and love your recipes and beautiful Instagram photos! I saw you came to Israel for a conference – I live in Tel Aviv and would love to meet with you if you visit here again!

  10. Hi Elena! My name is Eleni(lol!) a Greek American who now lives in CT. Having been raised with authentic olive oil that my yiayia used to send us by the barrel years ago, I now, unfortunately have to go to the store and purchase my own to feed my family. Even when purchasing in Astoria, how can I be sure what I am getting is pure olive oil instead of the mixed, and adulterated oil being labeled on as “extra virgin”.
    I have read somewhere that Costco will be selling Greek Olive oil this year as their Kirkland Signature recipe as Greece had very good yields and offered them a better price than Italy where they usually imported their oil. Also, I have read that the California Olive Ranch makes pure extra virgin olive oil which I have tried and like very much, but I would love to support Greece.

    Could you please compose a list of oils that you know to be pure and genuine olive oils, and preferably from Greece? Our liquid gold has become so hard to come by, lately, and it is such a shame as it’s health benefits are vast. I would like to avoid inadvertently purchasing an unpure or GMO product.

    Thank you so much! I really enjoy your articles and information.



  11. Thank you for your lovely, informative site! I just posted a link to your taramosalata or taramasalata recipes on my new Facebook page, Greek Liquid Gold: Authentic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  12. I just came across your site whebn trying to find a recipe for peas & carrots. I live in Greece and I’ve been making them for decades but have never been satisfied with the results. I’ll see how yours is.
    I do have a question. Is ‘tsaia tou vernou’ (spelling?) the same as sage? If not, what is sage in Greek? I’m having a friendly disagreemsnt with an Aussie friend on Tinos.
    Just want to say I looking forward to using this site as it is in Enblish by someone who actually lives here and so knows the market.

  13. Elena, I’ve been a healthy eater for most all of my adult life (now in my 50’s.) My family and friends have always thought of me as kind of a health nut. I’ve been strict vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, vegan, back to eating chicken, and so have never settled on anything. After much research, I’ve decided the “Mediterranean” diet is the way to go (w/o any red meat as I’m just not into that.) But which “Mediterranean” diet, and exactly what does that mean? I just found your site a few days ago. Thank you for an awesome site! Tons of great information on the true Mediterranean diet and it’s history, and lots of wonderful looking recipes I cannot wait to try! I will be referring back to your site frequently.