The authentic recipe for skordalia, the popular Greek garlic sauce. Garlic blended with extra virgin olive oil and mashed potatoes or bread makes for a delicious sauce or dip that is absolutely delicious.

Greek garlic dip, skordalia

So, I was raised eating skordalia all the time. My mother made (and still makes) the best skordalia, the famous Greek garlic sauce/puree/dip. We would have it at home fish, greens, beets and froed potatoes too.

One of the most popular ways to enjoy skordalia is with fried cod. Ever year on the 25th of March which is the Greek National Independence day and also the feast of the Holy Annunciation of the Virgin Mary we eat this specific dish: fried salted cod, bakaliaro and skordalia (a type of garlic dip). Obviously, fried salted cod doesn’t sound too healthy but if you think about it, it isn’t that bad. Cod is low in fat and calories so even frying it will not really make it excessively calorie rich. A healthier alternative with less salt, is using fresh cod baked in the oven with tomatoes, onions, parsley, olive oil and garlic and, my mom adds raisins, also known as bakaliaro plaki.

But let’s go into the story of skordalia

What is Skordalia

Skordalia is the national sauce of Greece. It is a thick sauce/dip that is made by mixing garlic paste with olive oil and a starchy base either potato or bread resulting in a puree that can be grainy or smooth depending on the method of making it. Skordalia can be made with potato, bread or with a combination of walnuts (sometimes almonds) and bread. Potatoes will give you a smoother consistency, while the bread skordalia will be a bit grainier. And no, skordalia does not contain cream, parsley or onion.
